Sunday, October 26, 2014

In The Beginning

When we first became social nudists in the fall of 2013, we decided this was such a wonderful lifestyle, we wanted to experience more. With our new found enthusiasm, we began researching every nude resort and option for being nude. We found we were longing for a resource that would direct us to resorts while giving us the positive perspective of each (not a slam page if you didn’t receive the service you wanted type). We wanted to hear of the excitement their trip evoked, their joy, fun, and experiences as they went to each resort. Wouldn’t it be cool we thought, if they had a reality show which would take you to a different resort each week and present this type of venue….?

 We then began dreaming (in our romantic, nude-newbie way), what would be a great name for this show…? It would be so fun to have it in the “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” type of premise (my dream), so what would we call it? My mind started racing, how about “Lifestyles of the Rich and Naked”? No, we’re not rich, not every nudist is…um…how about… and the wheels began turning. Well, let me tell you, a thousand (well maybe not a thousand, but I’m Irish… we tend to exaggerate) titles popped into my head. With eagerness, I’d throw suggestions out while my husband listened, (he would smile in his patient way which I knew probably meant, lame sweetie). My sweetheart chimed in with names he thought would be great for the show. He actually came up with a pretty good one (though don’t ask me now what it was), when suddenly the inspiration kicked in and the grandest title came into mind… “Are We Bare Yet….?”

I was so proud of my creativeness, and my husband’s enthusiasm reaffirmed what I already had decided…. This was indeed, the title of all titles for a bare adventure reality show. With the exhilaration of such well-deserved satisfaction in my creative self, I started thinking of all sorts of ways we could get this show on the road (no pun intended).

I’m great at coming up with ideas, just not very good at putting them into action. My husband is the ideas put-into-action-man, he’s someone you can present with a problem or situation and say, “How can I do this?”, and he will find a way to help you make it happen. With that being said, was so very busy in his high pressure job, using those skills to support our family and thus enabling us to enjoy our new found nude lifestyle.

I must admit, I began to feel rather frustrated. Here I had this great idea yet had no idea on how to make it happen. Who could we pitch this wonderful idea to? Who could take our fantastic concept and make it happen? Now I guess I should make you aware of another provision of this great plan, we didn’t just want to let someone else take our idea and make it their own, we wanted to be the couple that went to each resort and starred in the show. After all, who wouldn’t want to live such a life, why should someone else have the delight and live the whirlwind experiences we wanted for ourselves? But what to do, what to do, we just didn’t have any definitive thought on how to proceed…..? Now I am a woman who isn’t very good at hiding my excitement over things (or disappointment either for that matter), and when I’m excited about something, I want to share it. So when we would get together with our nude friends in a social situation, inevitably I would end up sharing our wonderful plan. Well, my conspiracy minded side, began to think about what unscrupulous person might take our wonderful idea (and title) and use it before we had a chance to work out a way to put our dream into action. My husband is such a brilliant man, and I’m so, so, when it comes to creating, but when we put our heads together, it’s like magic happens. Don’t ask me the details exactly, but before I knew it, we had decided we could create a domain with our title and start writing a blog. So here we are….This is how we began. We are hoping to convey through our site all the experiences we share at each resort and in our nude adventures. Our desire is for you enjoy reading about them as much as we have experiencing them.



  1. G'Day guys....

    Found Your blog via a link to the Social nudity in a private home blog post.

    Kim and I have been traveling and living this way for more than ten years now and had similar thoughts about a show or something following a TV interview on some of the cruises we'd done. However we though more of a travel documentary than a reality show, after all there generally little 'reality' in reality shows.

    Can we make one suggestion though? Try one of the cruises. We've done a number of the big ship ones and will be doing this one next year:

    Regards from Downunder.

    1. Thanks Peter,

      I love cruising. A nude cruise is on our "To Do" list. Rose has never been on a cruise, so I'll need to get her on one to see how she does.


  2. Well I gotta say they're a blast loved them. If you're interested here's some articles we wrote on three of them for one of our magazines out here


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