Friday, December 26, 2014

How We Began Our Nudist Adventures


We want to wish each of our readers a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  As we are approaching the end of another year and almost beginning a new one, we've spent a little time remembering some of the events that have changed our lives so dramatically and has brought such hope to our futures.  We hope you'll enjoy taking this walk down memory lane with us.

My husband thought it a good idea to share with all of our blog followers, how we became nudists in the first place. It’s a conversation we’ve had at various functions or resorts when we’ve gathered with other nudists, so why not share it here with all of you.

 It was so simple and rather a happenstance the way we began. When we entered into social nudism, from the very first moment it felt astonishingly comfortable. In some ways it feels as though we eased slowly into it, yet again it’s as though we were suddenly all in, as though we’d jumped into the deep end of the pool. I feel the best way to describe life’s events are to measure them by how my heart felt at the time. When I try to think of ways to describe experiences in my life, I seem to get visual or cinematic images of occurrences that harmonize with my feelings from these happenings. So when I describe them in this way, some say I’m dramatic, but those who are kindred spirits call it romanticism, and personally I prefer that definition. With that said, maybe you’ll be able to come along with us as I try to define it in my filmic way.

In the manner of ease and comfort, it seemed as though we were sliding gently into a pool of tepid water. It felt warm, soothing and remarkably relaxing, so much so, I can’t ever imagine going back to the way our lives were before we became social nudists. Now I say “social nudists” because we had been at home nudists for quite some time (and we have found most nudists we’ve met were “at home nudists” prior to entering the nude lifestyle). My husband and I had been our own version of nudists before meeting. My life before my husband was quite different (as was his before me). I had been in an abusive marriage for years and his marriage had been one in which he had lived under control for years.  So nudism brought freedom to both of us though the reality of it came to us through different avenues.

So I feel I should backtrack to the footpaths that brought us to our harmonious course. Due to the separate paths that brought us to this point and the amount of history that I feel is needed to give our story the legitimacy it deserves, I’ve decided to write this telling my story, his story, and then our story.

Her Story

Thinking back to my first “aha” moment over how I became a nudist, I would say I relate my enjoyment of nudism, to skinny dipping as a youngster. Growing up, we spent our summers at our family cabin on a lake in New England. It was a common event to swim nude at night in our family. There were conditions however (so you won’t think us one of those redneck kind of families), in order… girls went into the lake alone for a while, after we returned the boys would go out to swim, and after we had all gone to bed, my parents would go out for a dip.
Another factor in my ability to embrace nudity was how casually my parents viewed the human body even though they were very religious. My father thought nothing of stripping down to what he called “skivvies” and walking around in them. My mother would often take off her shirt and wear just her bra and a skirt when the weather was terribly hot (we didn’t have air conditioning in those days). My parents slept in the nude, which all of my siblings and I discovered early in life due to occasionally meeting them in the hallway during our middle of night run to the bathroom (uncomfortable!!!!) My father was a gas service man and his calls sometimes took him to the quote unquote “nudist colony”, which whenever he was sent there on a service call would return with some sort of humorous story of his encounters. As a child I thought nothing of these things. As a teenager I found them appalling, and as any typical teenager would, I voiced how embarrassing and disgusting this was to us. My father’s reply was, “There is nothing dirty or nasty about the human body, only people’s minds that makes it so”. As a teenager I didn’t appreciate his mindset, but as I matured I gradually accepted his view on this to be true. I believe God created us in his image and our bodies are beautiful. Even though I didn’t think I could be the type of person to do such a thing, I adopted the same type of comfortable attitude about my body. So what if my children walked in on me while I was getting dressed or out of the shower, if I acted casually, they thought nothing of it. I often sat with a towel around me and felt quite comfortable, or in a bathrobe alone, no problem. Well, I’m getting off track and need to get back to my initial train of thought…

As time moved on, life changed, and I’d sort of forgotten about those early days due to events such as getting married, having a family, relocating to other areas of the country away from “home”. Many years later, I moved to Arizona and purchased a home with a pool, and returning to this tradition just sort of happened one night when our air conditioner went out. I couldn’t sleep from the unbearable heat and decided to take a dip to cool off in the middle of the night. I couldn’t find my swimsuit in the dark and didn’t want to awaken the spouse, and somehow my mind went back to memories of my youth so I thought, Hmmm… Why not go naked? From the moment I first lowered my body into the water, I returned to that euphoric sensation of liberty, releasing all inhibitions and soothing my entire body without the response that an awful wet bathing suit creates (and come on now, we all know the feeling I’m talking about). I felt so emancipated, I’d been delivered, released, freed…it was like I was experiencing part of Martin Luther King’s speech (“I’m free, free, free at last) and I was elated!
Now that I’d rediscovered this therapeutic sensation, I made it a frequent occurrence on the nights I wasn’t working (I worked 3 nights a week in a hospital), that is, until I got caught. My spouse at the time (the abusive one) woke one night while I was dipping and came looking for me. He had an absolute fit at the thought of our neighbors looking out their window and seeing my naked body in the pool. Though we had 6 foot high concrete walls around our back yard, there were other second story homes that surrounded us side/back. At first I tried to appease him by not swimming nude, but after a while I just had to return to it. When he found out, we had terrible arguments about it, but I’d made my mind up, I wasn’t giving it up! I continued on this way until I left the marriage (and the home with the pool), moved to an apartment and had to retire my relaxing swims because I didn’t have the privacy allowed with my own home any longer.

Sometime later, I met my wonderful husband to be. We moved in together after a time, and he had an above ground pool in his backyard. As I said, I worked nights, so one afternoon after I’d woken I decided to go for a swim in the pool. I went out with my suit on (yes, while in an apartment I’d been forced to return to this torturous article of clothing) and climbed into the water. It felt good, but I felt restricted and longed to be naked…so I decided to do it, I took off my bathing suit and hung it over the side of the pool, swimming free as I believe God intended me to be. (I’ll bet Adam and Eve swam naked until they sinned and ate of the fruit of knowledge, right?) Well, that’s another subject for another day…returning to my story…my sweetie came home soon after and when he didn’t find me in bed, he ended up in the backyard looking for me. He saw my swimsuit hanging over the side of the pool (very Petticoat Junction-ish for any of you old enough to remember the show) and was amazed. He came and looked in and said with astonishment, “Baby, you’re naked!” At first I was nervous he would be upset over it, but I saw his eyes and the smile that appeared immediately after, when I said, “Do you mind?” He said in no uncertain terms how much he loved that I wasn’t afraid to swim naked in the backyard. He had tried for years to convince his first wife to do so and she refused. He was, to say the least, thrilled!

As we grew more comfortable together as a couple and after our marriage, we found ourselves without clothing more and more often. We would leave them off in the house, we found we would walk around the backyard without them, even began gardening without them. It was wonderful finding the freedom to be ourselves, while discovering it together.

His Story

I guess I’ve had nudist tendencies most of my life, at least since I was a boy.  When exactly did it start, it’s hard to say. 

I remember when I was in elementary school I felt a strong desire to be naked outside.  So much so, that when I was home alone, I would free myself of the clothing that would bind me and venture outside to our back yard.  It is a wonder the neighbors never spied me or my parents never caught me naked out there. 

Another influence for me was the Boy Scout campouts.  The older scouts told us first year scouts (ten and eleven years old) that we would sleep warmer if we slept in our underwear.  I don’t know how true that was, but I found myself sleeping naked in my sleeping bag, and I liked it so well I’ve been sleeping naked ever since.  Again, it is a wonder I didn’t get caught since the scouts were fond of dragging us out of our tents sleeping bag and all. They would dump the scout some distance from camp, so he would have to walk back in the dark.  I was fortunate I never got selected for this initiation.

I slept naked all through high school and it felt wonderful.  It was easy to sleep naked in the summertime as the night time temperatures in central Arizona were pretty warm, rarely getting below 90 degrees overnight May/June through September/October.  Not having anything on my body was a welcomed relief with the nighttime humidity.

I remember during the summer time how I wished I could swim naked at the neighbor’s pool or the public pool down the street.  I hated the feeling of that wet suit clinging to my skin and it inevitably bunched up, giving me a wedgie and I was always pulling it out.  It was very uncomfortable and embarrassing, too.  One day at the pool my father showed me what I looked like pulling the wedgie out. I told him I hated wearing the swimsuit for that reason.  How I wished I could swim naked.  This brings up Boy Scouts again.  It was not uncommon for the scouts to go skinny dipping on our outings as most campouts were near a lake, stream, or river.  We thought nothing of stripping down and getting in the water.  It was natural.  It did not feel weird.  It was fun.

And so went my teenage years.

After graduating high school, I married my high school sweetheart.  She was very religious and sexually repressed.  She was a prude!  Much to my surprise sleeping naked for her was a non-starter.  That just would not happen.  Not only would it not happen, she thought it was perverted and that I had a problem.  I argued that how could something that felt so right be wrong.  Well, let’s just say I did not win that one.  While she slept in pajamas, I always slept naked, even after our two sons were born.  She was always worried one of the boys would come into our room at night and see me naked in bed.  While the boys did on many occasions come into our bedroom during the night, they never saw me naked, or at least not to my knowledge.  Additionally, anything to do with nudity, in the movies or on television, always sparked a comment from her about how dirty and disgusting it was to see a woman’s breast, or a man’s penis, or heaven forbid a full frontal nude shot of a woman.  Forget even attempting to be naked in the house.  I even had to have a towel wrapped around me coming out of the shower lest she see my naked body.  It’s a wonder we even had two children together.  I resigned myself to sleeping naked as my one nudist pleasure.

Thirty six days shy of our thirtieth wedding anniversary, my first wife died.  While this was a terrible loss and my world fell apart, it was the release of my sexual repression.  When I started dating again I met Rose.  She was not a nudist, nor was I at the time, and she still had a minor child living with her from a previous marriage.  We were married a year and a half later.  I was still sleeping naked and Rose decided to give it a try and loved it.  She too has been sleeping naked ever since.

Rose worked nights, at a local hospital, and slept days.  One day I got home from work and did not find her in bed asleep and started looking for her.  I found her out in the pool.  As I approached her I noticed her swimsuit hanging over the edge of the pool.  I asked what’s with the swimsuit and to my astonishment; she was naked in the pool.  I stood there with my mouth agape in surprise.  She said something, but I couldn’t hear a word, my only thought was, SHE WAS NAKED IN THE POOL!  To this day I still couldn’t tell you what she said.  As it turns out, she too skinny dipped as a child, and in her previous marriage would skinny dip in the middle of the night when she could not sleep.  WOW! Cha-Ching! My lucky day!  Well, it did not take much to convince me this is what we should be doing, and so we did.  From then on, we never wore swimsuits in the pool, unless we had company.

As time went on and we became more comfortable, we started being naked in the house, eventually venturing out into the back yard.  We found gardening naked was especially relaxing.  We landscaped most of the back yard (au naturel) for privacy so we can be naked there as often as we want.

Now that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

Our Story

As I finished “My Story” with how comfortable my husband and I felt being nude around our home, I neglected to mention how often he would say… “I wish we could be naked all the time and never have to put clothes on to answer the door”. In addition to this fact, my husband had a lovely 25 ft. camper when I met him and we had taken a couple of camping trips which we enjoyed tremendously. He mentioned on each trip how much he wished we could be naked while we were camping in the country (which I wasn’t totally on board with since there were mosquitos in the forest areas and I didn’t wish to allow them to feast freely on my exposed flesh). With both of these things being said, this leads up to the big/not so big moment in which we began to entertain the thought of becoming social nudists.

Because we had begun to enjoy outings in the camper, we frequently watched a television show about campers and RV’s (can’t remember the exact name of the show however). One weekend while watching, they led into a sequence by saying, “And for those of you who are looking for a different kind of camping…” Well it was about nude camping. My husband and I looked at each other with a look that said… “Maybe”, and we decided to look into it possibly for a future adventure. You see, both of us had been married before for many years and we were looking to expand our exploration opportunities as a couple to destinations we hadn’t already experienced with our previous spouses.
Weeks or months passed (can’t remember the amount of time elapsed either, getting old sucks sometimes) and one night while on break at work, my husband and I were discussing the upcoming weekend over the phone and trying to decide what to do. We felt like we’d fallen into a rut of doing the same thing over and over again on my off weekend (for I had to work every other weekend); we were looking for something new to experience. As he inquired of what I thought we should do, it came to mind about the naked campground show. There was a nude campground located only about a half hour from our home, and I asked him if he had ever looked into it? He was very surprised that I was serious about nude camping, and I thought, why not?

I reasoned out what nudity would entail, the possibility of lewd individuals harassing me crept into my mind but I quickly brushed those thoughts away because of my father’s stories of the people he encountered at the “colony”. He always presented them as decent individuals who just happened to like walking around in public without clothes. Okay, what else would cause me to have a problem with this? I worked in healthcare, I often had to touch, clean and view naked bodies. So what is different about this? I thought about other people seeing me naked. I had six children and I’d been on view with each pregnancy to doctors, nurses, and lactation consultants. I also breast fed each of my children and upon reflection, I decided I truly didn’t have much modesty (if any) left in me.
So what about my husband? How was he going to feel about me being naked for the world to see? My ex was a very jealous man. He had no problem leering or lusting over other women, but no other man should do so over me. If one ever did, I usually paid the price with accusations or abuse. These thoughts caused some consideration as well but I rapidly dismissed them as they appeared. My lovely husband would never react in such a way with me. I knew he was proud of me and didn’t hold any jealousy or suspicion in his mind toward me. With the previously mentioned doubts and insecurities settled, there was nothing to hold us back.

As I’m writing this a realization has suddenly occurred to me, with all of these doubts previously mentioned, the one thing I never considered to dissuade me was being intimidated over my size (I am a plus size woman) in front of others. I don’t know why it didn’t, but it didn’t and it still hasn’t to this day. I mention this because I revealed our lifestyle in nudity sometime later to my close friends. The first thing they said (after the shock of how the quiet, meek and reserved person I am could be bold enough to do it) is that they could never do it because of their poor physical condition. Now mind you, they have slender bodies and look wonderful for their ages. But with their poor self-image they couldn’t entertain the thought of social nudism even if they wanted to because they are ashamed of their bodies. It’s very sad really.

Returning to the details of our first venture into public nudity… My husband agreed to look into reservations and any other information needed for a nude camping venture. He found information through AANR (American Association for Nude Recreation) which by the way is an organization for clothing optional resorts and recreation areas. They monitor each facility and report to members, insuring each maintains their integrity by being wholesome and family oriented (no swinging, swapping or public sexual displays tolerated in other words). They pride themselves on improving conditions for nude recreation across the country. Well anyways, as I was saying about my husband, true to his thorough and meticulous nature he had read up on the organization and the campground as well, which by the way is named Shagri La Ranch. By Friday, we were members of AANR, had reservations made with itinerary in hand and our camper loaded and ready to go.

The entire time since we had decided we were going to go to Shagri La Ranch, my husband was very wary of my feelings about this trip. He’d look at me very seriously and say, “Are you sure you’re okay with this…? You’re not doing this just for me are you…? Are you sure you’ll be all right?” Or he would ask similar questions over the phone as we talked about it, he was so sweet in his concern for me. Each time I reassured him I was fine with it, and I truly was. Even as we drove to the ranch he told me repeatedly we could still turn around if I wanted to. It got to the point I could do nothing but smile, for I began to wonder if he was possibly feeling unsure about it and was worried to change his mind for fear of upsetting me. Turned out it was as I originally knew it to be, it was purely out of concern for me that he was worried about my comfort level.

When we turned onto the dirt road which brought us to the ranch, we had gone just beyond the gates when we saw a nude man walking down the road with his dog. We looked at each other and said, “Well we just saw our first naked person.” We both laughed because we said it at the same time to one another and if there was any tension over apprehension it loosened up with that. We registered at the front office, found our reserved spot and got our trailer all leveled and hooked up. We prepared our lunch, ate it and cleaned up after ourselves. Then we decided it was now or never, we undressed and walked out of the camper. We immediately met a man who reminded me of Jerry Garcia with his long hair and beard (all he needed was a tie-dyed band around his head and love beads strung from his neck). He started chatting with us and asked us if we’d ever been to a nude recreation area before. I don’t know if we screamed nudity virgins by appearance or just a vibe he got from us, but we proudly proclaimed this to be our first. He asked how we decided we wanted to try this and I told him a little bit of our story. I mistakenly mentioned the part about my father going to the “nudist colony” through his employment and was promptly put in my place regarding how nudists feel over calling it a colony. He firmly stated, “They’re resorts, we’re not lepers and we’re not ants… This is a resort!” I have been very careful not to repeat that phrase for it’s a sentiment I’ve heard repeated by others since that first encounter.

I believe I felt at ease from the beginning because I felt no judgment. Astonishingly, I came to the realization that when I am clothed I am noticed in a way that makes me feel like I’m being critiqued. I think I surprised my husband when I told him I felt more judgment with my clothes on than when fully naked.

So there you have it, this is our story of our nude beginnings. As my husband says, “We dropped our clothes, walked out the door and haven’t looked back since!” The only looking back is done in amazement over how easy the remembrance of how we got here seems. If it was in reality more difficult than I recall, remember, I am a romantic.


Saturday, December 20, 2014

Social Nudity at Private Gatherings


I struggled with a title as I started with this blog entry. How do I express what we call the gatherings at homes of friends who are also nudists? Do we call them parties? Sometimes they are parties. Do we call them barbeques? Well yes, sometimes they are barbeques. Sometimes they are solely a group of friends and acquaintances who enjoy being nude who get together in private homes solely for the purpose of socializing without their clothing.

When my husband and I first became nudists, we heard conversations from our newfound friends at Mira Vista Resort about get-togethers in private homes around the area. My very first impression was brakes on… There is no way I am going to go to the home of someone I hardly know and be naked there! My husband was interested in expanding our network of friends in the nudist community, and since we found quite a few members from Mira Vista lived around the Phoenix area he thought this a great opportunity. Soon we began having conversations about the possibility of joining other Mira Vista members at social gatherings in their homes and without sugar coating it; I was not on board with it, at all! I didn’t want to be negative and I could see how much my husband desired to find alternatives to only being socially nude at our resort and in our home. I had the greatest trepidation over this substitution, and my mind kept leaping into contemplations of what would happen to us or our marriage if we began down this path.

I know this sounds like I truly went off the deep end on this matter and it may seem as though I’m giving the impression that private social gatherings most assuredly lead into some form of swinging or sexual situation, but I’m presenting this through my minds eyes at that point in our lives. We had only been nudists for a month or two when this subject began to frequent our conversations based on social invitations. Surprisingly, I felt quite comfortable being nude in front of everyone we had met at our resort, and no one had ever approached me or my husband in a manner which presented a proposition of any sort… So where was this overwhelming apprehension coming from?

I guess the first of my misgivings came from my prior marriage. I had an ex who had the most wandering of eyes (and other body parts) and I suppose part of my foreboding came from that. I also had concerns of women possibly thinking my husband was up for grabs because we were in a much more intimate location (I don’t know why it seemed so much more a possibility in this setting). Another stress point brought flashbacks of cautionary tales you hear from the bar scene. In other words, I feared the possibility of someone slipping some type of drug into our food or drink and then the fears connected with this behavior began to unravel my mind. Now, all of these hesitations appear so ludicrous from my current perspective, but at the time they were very real possibilities and I was fearful concerning the unknown.

To my husband’s credit, he was very patient with me and never made me feel pressured to do anything I was uncomfortable with. His patience touched me and then I began to feel so unreasonable, for I knew him to be a wonderfully sound man, and I knew he would certainly never suggest anything which would hurt me or us. Yet, every time I entertained the thoughts of joining a get-together, the tension would start to build within me. I was relieved and felt fortunate that we never had invitations at times when we were truly available to attend (again, not due to my husband’s insistence, but over my reluctance). I was glad to always have a better plan or prior engagement which was preferred.  That is, until it was Super bowl season.

By now, we had been nudists for about six months. I had gone round and round in my mind about this issue and still had not truly found peace over this topic. As I’ve mentioned before, my husband has been quite thorough in his exploration into nudism. He scanned the internet seeking every bit of subject matter he could find pertaining to social nudity. He had begun connecting with various nudist groups, one in particular named “Canyon State Naturists”. On this occasion in particular, when an invite was presented, I could find no good reason or previous engagement with cause to disregard it, so our invitation was confirmed.

We prepared for the Super Bowl Party with thoughts of what to bring (for everyone was to bring their favorite drink and appetizer for the buffet style event). Our choice, Mexican style shrimp cocktail along with crackers and tortilla chips to accompany. I tried to keep myself busy with thoughts of the preparation as we worked together formulating the variety of ingredients into our delicious cocktail. It’s a very involved process, lots of little steps go into making it just right, and so this is what I focused on to take my mind off my insecurity over attending this gathering.

Now the time had come, we packed our shrimp cocktail and accompaniments along with our drinks, chairs and towels, and off we went. My husband entered the address of the event into our GPS and I had the impression we were going a far distance to reach this destination. It ended up being only minutes from our own home. I wasn’t sure if this was a good or bad thing, I was hoping for a little more time to adjust before arriving, but then decided it just as well, for we could more easily go home if I felt too terribly uncomfortable with the situation.

We were running a little behind in time, so we encountered a little difficulty in finding parking. As we walked through the entry way of the lovely home which hosted the event, I paid close attention to detail; noting the elements the owner of this home had implemented once passing through the front gate to insure privacy. I felt a sense of seclusion as I noticed how lovely the enclosed patio looked; it was very romantic with plants, pottery, and sculpture with draped screening of some sort which gave the illusion of curtains overhead. How intimate, I wasn’t sure what to think about that as we continued toward the front door of the home. Now we were almost at the door, nervousness was near overcoming me, deep breaths, deep breaths I kept telling myself. I was so worked up over this, which I couldn’t understand due to my lack of fear over starting out in nudism in the first place. Due to the contrast in attitude I began to wonder if my intuition was trying to tell me something for I’ve always been the type of person who said, “If I feel fretfulness over a situation, there must be a reason for it.” I was a frazzled wreck inside, yet I tried to play it cool so as not to make my husband feel bad for how I felt.

As the front door opened for us we found the event was quite well packed with other members involved in cheering on their favorite team as the game was already in progress. I truly can’t recall if we were automatically greeted at the door or if it occurred after entering, but a lovely woman named Gwen welcomed us into her home. Within moments, a jovial gentleman named Fred came over and shook our hands and my husband recognized him as the person he had been conversing with on the internet, (he had been responsible for inviting us to the event). A spot was cleared for our chairs, they made a place for our dish, and we were directed to a bedroom in which we could undress.

I don’t remember how many people were at the event, but in my mind there seemed to be 20-30 individuals at least. We were introduced one by one to each person there and eventually settled into our chairs to participate in the games festivities. They had the usual pool for the game (I didn’t understand the rules of it then, don’t understand them still) and Mark put our money into the pool and gathered our numbers. Somehow, we won three of the quarters in the game and ended up winning $150.00 dollars, wow!

As the afternoon progressed, I found all my fear and apprehension was over nothing. We found all variation of dress at the function on that day. Some were completely nude, while others wore a wrap of sorts, or only a football jersey, and others completely clothed. No one paid attention to the level of undress, it was all about the game and socializing. Even after the game ended and only the social period prevalent, there was no gawking, no lewd or unwanted moments. Everyone at the function was pleasant, welcoming, and no one appeared out of order in any way. We had a great afternoon with a wonderful group of people… And we won a nice wad of cash!!!

I guess the point I am trying to make with this blog, is how I had many irrational fears about something I perceived poorly in my mind. I had no basis for this misconception, only my own senseless reservations. I marvel at the hurdles when they are overcome, and thankful that God has given me a husband who supports me and in turn helps me break through many of the misconceptions which at times bind me.

We have joined a couple of home groups here in the Phoenix area since that time. We enjoy the occasional pool party, barbeque, or whatever occasion happens to bring us together… In the homes of wonderful, decent people who are kind enough to welcome us. It has truly been an eye opening experience for me. Opening my mind to new friendships and to new ways of enjoying nudism, and to think, in the beginning I had the brakes on all the way! So glad I took my foot off the brake and have laid it on the gas… Go, go, go!!!


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

My Own Misconceptions of Nudism


I’m sure everyone has their own concepts of what nudity must be. Not that I perceive non-nudists as people who sit around thinking, “hmm, I wonder what being a nudist is like” in their everyday lives. But when the subject arises, I’m sure a certain thought or image must come to mind. Well I’ll admit that I have had my own ideas and images of a nudist prior to becoming one and they certainly have changed since.

To start with the basis for my first misconception of nudity I must go back to my youth and memories of different events from that time. As I mentioned in a previous blog, my father worked for the area gas company and on many occasions he was dispatched to the local “nudist colony” (his name for it back in the day) for service calls. I remember having little drifts of the imagination trying to envision what this place where no one wore clothing was like. The area where the “colony” was located was positioned off a major route and we would drive past it when taking trips to our grandparent’s house. As we passed that point my father would call out with his customary comment of, “There’s the nudist colony”, and as was common with my dad’s customs, an updated story would follow about his most recent visit. I never really thought of what being a nudist might be like except in those moments when dad would bring up one of his stories. And if I did happen to envision anything, it seemed to include some silly thoughts of nude people running around; throwing beach balls to each other (don’t ask me why).

Rather than repeatedly calling it “the colony”, I might as well mention the name of the resort which brought forth my first imaginations about nudism. Its name is Cedar Waters Village (they have been in existence since 1950 and admittedly I had to Google them after becoming a nudist to see if they were still there) and it’s truly a campground, not a resort. Their location is announced by a very unassuming wooden sign with a half sun (I can still see the sign in my mind and they still use the same familiar sign to this day) rising up below their name.  The entrance into their facility is a meager little turn off the highway into a heavily wooded area. I remember peering through the window as we passed to see if I could get a glimpse of this unimaginable place I was trying to depict, looked like. I never could see a thing for the entrance was one in which you drove up a slight incline and then the road just seemed to disappear into the woods (very mysterious to me in my childhood thoughts).

I honestly couldn’t seem to conjure up any image of what they did there. I mean, they were naked, so I guess they’d swim, but what else? As I matured, more questions would come to mind, such as… What did they do about the mosquitoes; they had nothing to cover them to prevent their bites…? And what about during the winter, didn’t they freeze without coats, boots and mittens on? What did these people do? (I now know the campground is closed after Columbus Day so they have no winter worries there). And since I was maturing in age, that ever popular question would come to my thoughts… Don’t men walk around with erections all the time…? My mind would usually hit a stone wall after a time, and it just seemed to be too gross (my teenage word for anything offensive) to try to think further on this subject and I’d have to shake it from my imagination and move on to something else.

Now this leads me to my first realization that I carried misconceptions regarding nudity, for I thought if you were a nudist, once you’ve entered the facility, you had to remove your clothes (some sort of unwritten rule in my mind). I’m sure this way of thinking is related to my dad’s stories again, for in one of his tales; he told of how the guard at the entrance said he’d seen him there numerous times before and the rule was, after the third visit he had to remove his clothing. He promptly told him, “Well then, I guess you don’t want your water heater fixed.” (He always got a good laugh out of that one).

So I guess my impression was, no clothing allowed once inside, (and I’m blaming it on my dad’s tales, so keep this in mind as I go further with this story). So now we skip forward to our first day at Shangri La Ranch, and there happened to be a dance in the evening. We decided to check it out and as we strolled toward the dance hall we could see the disco ball and pretty lights through the windows. But what we saw allowed us no preparation for what we found upon entering… They had clothes on!

We suddenly felt very uncomfortable and promptly turned and went outside. What were we going to do…? My mind raced through thoughts of what we had packed for this trip. We hadn’t planned on needing clothing (who would have thought we would need them knowing we were headed for nude camping) and we hadn’t brought clothes for a dance, we didn’t know if we should just return to our camper or say, “who cares” and go in.

We must have seemed a little strange as we sort of peeked in through the door to see what type of clothing they were wearing. From what we could see it seemed casual, so we returned to our camper, found some articles of clothing that looked casual and threw them on. We returned to the dance and easily found a table since there was only a handful of people in the hall at this time. As people slowly filled the room, we got our first glimpse of a very curious pattern we’ve found and acquired ourselves since participating in nudity and it was a true eye opener for both of us… Nudists like to dress up for parties and dances. But “dressing up” in nudity and “dressing up” in the textile world are of slightly different varieties. What we saw were individuals dressed in anything from a little bow tie around a man’s penis to women with very sexy lingerie, as well as those who wore conventional dresses, slacks or whatever.

I guess that’s what is so appealing to me about being a nudist; it’s the “Whatever” about it. I like having the independence to dress how I want, when I want. I don’t have to conform to what everyone else thinks is right for me, but what I decide is right for me. Yes, certainly I’ll wear a costume or theme if it’s a holiday or party, but I don’t have to. And nothing says I have to keep them on either. Many a party has found me with an outfit on in the beginning and then completely naked half way through the event. I like not having to follow other individual’s idea of conformity; it’s whatever I’m in the mood for. So granted, I don clothing at times, but I also do so when I go to work, or to the store, even if I answer my front door I feel it’s required to put something on (or else shock the person on the other side and possibly get a visit from our fine police department). Nudity just happens to give us an additional option which we may or may not choose on occasion.

So now I know (and so all of you), nudists do the same things everyone else does, and they do it with or without clothing. They hike, swim; play volleyball, croquet, tennis, even lie about reading a book, you name it. They do everything clothed people do, following their own whim or discretion. As a nudist you have the freedom to wear the clothes, or not. I think it’s very appropriate to call them clothing optional resorts or facilities. I have seen members playing tennis at Mira Vista, some with clothing, and some without. I’ve seen some hiking the trails naked, others with clothes. Same goes for walking around the compound, working out in the gym, going to meals, or just sitting in the lounge… It’s whatever suits their fancy and the option and freedom to choose is what’s most attractive and satisfying to me. One thing we’ve noticed all conscientious nudists are consistent with, and that is always carrying with them a towel for sitting upon and this is done for sanitary hygiene reasons.

So there you have it, my first misconception documented and dismissed. I know I’ve had others and when they come to mind I’ll write about them for future posts. This truly has been an evolution as we’ve grown in our experiences in nudity, it’s a journey we’ve found relaxing, liberating, exciting and so very pleasurable. We hope you’ll enjoy reading what we consider revelations as we encounter them, one step at a time.


Saturday, December 6, 2014

Why Be a Nudist?


Since becoming a nudist, I have felt an overwhelming desire to share my experiences with friends and family who do not share our nude lifestyle. I have disclosed my nudity secret to most of my family and quite a few friends. Many smile, say how great it is that I am brave enough or confident enough to do so. Most of course are very surprised (mostly friends, though curiously, my family didn’t seem all that startled over my non clothing option) that someone who was as shy as I was at one point, or as religious as I was in my life would make such a decision… Deep down I feel they are asking themselves, why would she become a nudist?

I was talking with a family member (whom I shared our blog site with) the other day and we were discussing my writing matter. She still didn't understand why, after she’d read my blog and commented that she felt I hadn't truly explained my reasons for nudism or the why behind it. She basically said the “liberating” and “freedom” explanations didn't really seem to do anything to help her or anyone else who might not understand social nudism. I felt a little frustrated over this disclosure because to me this interpretation seemed extremely clear. Coming from the person I used to be, the freedom and liberty I experienced in nudism changed so many of my inner condemnations. It has helped me evolve into who I now am, lifting the many burdens and criticisms I had carried against myself for years and it’s meant everything to me. But I realize I've only been speaking from my perspective (though a very wise friend once said, “My perspective is my reality” and I tend to agree), so I’ll try to bring forth a more definitive rational for anyone who is trying to accept or embrace this culture.

One perception she still clings to is the logic that nudists are swingers or that being a nudist will lead to swinging. I understand this interpretation is one of the misconceptions many people have of nudists. They immediately think of sex when they picture a group of nude people getting together socially. They imagine wild orgies, perversion, swapping of partners.  In their minds, if you’re a nudist, you’re a swinger. Many think of people who are social nudists as immoral, living lewd sexually promiscuous lives, running around having sex in a hedonistic manner with any who can and will engage. Nothing is further from the truth. The resorts and facilities we visit are members of AANR (I mentioned them in a previous blog). Their purpose is to maintain clean, wholesome facilities for people who are nothing but naturists. Certainly, there are facilities that cater to other sorts of recreation (i.e. sexual activity, swapping, and exhibitionism) but not in true nudism. I guess the fact that our bodies are naked leads to the assumption that we are swingers. The reality is there are swingers in every walk of life. You’ll find them in your neighborhood, the bar you frequent, on the job, even in your churches. In actuality, one place you are least likely to find them are in a true nudist resort. No such behavior is tolerated and if the proprietors were to hear of any form of misconduct, those engaging in such actions would be asked to leave and not permitted to return. Bottom line, nude resorts are not “Swinger or Lifestyle” resorts. (But please do not confuse “Lifestyle” with my use of the phrase “nude lifestyle” in the description of my life now).

As I mentioned before, people think of sex when they think of nudists. I have been asked, “How it is men don’t walk around with erections all the time from seeing naked bodies everywhere?” That’s where there is such a difference in the mindset of the textile world and nudists. Honestly, nudists are not looking at others nude bodies. People find that hard to understand or comprehend, but it’s true. When we’re together or walking past someone, or if sitting in a group conversing with others, their eyes have always met with mine, never straying to any other parts of the body. Every nudist I have met looks at the person, not the body. I have never caught a man (or woman’s) eyes looking at my breasts while having a conversation (can’t say that to be true in the textile world). I’ve never seen anyone checking out any intimate part of my body for that matter. If I want to be looked at, clothing is what draws the attention. I always see people looking at the clothes on my body when I am wearing them; I’ve received comments or complements with clothing on but never over my naked body.

Another fact that eludes people’s understanding is that nudists don’t judge a person’s body image. My husband and I are plus size individuals and no one judges us for being so. Many people have scars, rolls of fat, are skinny as a rail, have no breasts, saggy breasts, and are of various complexions; we come in all colors, shapes and sizes… And guess what? Nobody cares! I can’t analyze the mindset that brings this into being a reality; I can only say I have found it to be a constant truth in the year since we have become nudists.

Though I absolutely love to be without clothing and crave the feeling of being freed from the textile bondage which I suffer every time I must put clothing on, what I have come to appreciate most is the friendship, laughter and conversation we have realized with other nudists. We have found the people we meet to be for the most part friendly, open-minded, fun individuals. When I engage in conversation with them they seem to understand and are willing to listen to my thoughts and views. My opinion doesn’t have to be their own and they never judge me or say I’m wrong when I don’t share their views.

We were welcomed without standards or judgment, not by our physical appearance, jobs, financial status, sex or age. They accepted us for who we are, not what any of those other statistics represent and have never tried to conform us into anyone or anything different to fit into their society. This has been the most desirable of all to me personally. Throughout my life I was always told I had to act a certain way, like or dislike what others did, live my life in a manner that others thought acceptable and I just never managed to stack up to their ideals. I always felt as though there was continuously something wrong with me.

I have evolved greatly since nudism entered my life, to the point I hardly recognize the young girl I once was. I was painfully shy, staunchly religious, afraid, controlled, and I never liked myself. I was always trying to be what everyone else thought I should be (and I never could please anyone with my selections). Throughout the years, the layers of the onion have been slowly peeled away and I have come to the point where I finally feel like I know who I am. I owe a great part of the confidence to meeting my husband and finding great strength and confidence in our relationship. But the deeper peeling away has come through becoming a nudist. I am comfortable with myself, confident about my appearance, and have found a peace and relaxation that eluded me for so many years. I don’t know how something as simple as taking off one’s clothing and being social with others in this manner has brought such realities to fruition in my life, it simply has.

I wish I could break it down further for those who don’t understand, but then it just seems to make it too difficult. I enjoy the “take me as I am” sense nudity has brought to my life. If it’s that difficult for people to grasp after I have explained it to this extreme, then they probably never will get it.  Apparently it’s something in their own subconscious that prevents them from wanting to understand. People will believe what they want to believe, think what they want to think, and you know what? That’s okay with me; I’m not trying to convert anyone, I only hoped to shine a little light into the darkness of misunderstanding that surrounds our lives as nudists, nothing more.

As an addendum, I googled “Why would anyone want to be a nudist?” after I’d finished writing my blog (just for the heck of it). I found a very informative “Yahoo response”. I’m going to copy/paste the question and response here so you can read it for yourselves.

Why would anyone want to be a nudist? 

Q: I mean being a nudist seems to me very stupid considering the amount of protection we have from our clothes the only good thing my might be the heliotherapy that they get from the sun such as some people buy light boxes to replicate the sun or go into the sun nude mainly I am asking this because I don’t see any practical use in being a nudist
R: Mortified Penguin and Rick have given you some excellent answers. It may seem stupid to you because it's different from what you learned throughout life. Just the same, nudists/naturists look at most wearing of clothes as stupid because most times the clothing serves no practical purpose. That's not to say clothing never has any practical purpose, of course. Nudists still own clothing and wear it when it is necessary for protection from a hazard, weather, or the unjust laws that criminalize the body. But when it's 85° outside with 95% humidity, what is the practical purpose of wearing clothes? All they do is hold in the heat because they insulate, and prevent sweat from evaporating. One time when it was about 95° outside I went into my bank and the tellers were all wearing sweaters and shivering because their air conditioning was turned so cold. Impractical, inefficient, and wasteful. Some people claim nudists are setting themselves up for skin cancer because of sun exposure, but in reality nudists/naturists are very aware of the sun's effects and take the appropriate precautions. All those sunscreen application jokes do have an origin, you know. Plus, when the sun is very intense, some nudists do choose to put on clothing or something for protection, or go into the shade. 

The reason people become naturist/nudist is because it allows them to shed their fears and phobias about nudity (seeing it or being see nude) and affords them the tremendous feelings of comfort and freedom that being in one's natural state bring on. It allows them to cut back on expenses of laundry, detergent, clothing replacement, and air conditioning. A dirty project requires only a shower rather than a shower plus laundry. Children raised in nudist families grow up to be much more well-rounded individuals with a much better developed knowledge of the body, sex, what distinguishes nudity from sex, and what is and isn't appropriate. It also eliminates them growing up with the phobias of nudity that affect so many people throughout life, some to the point of being almost debilitating. 

These are only a few reasons to become a nudist. For many more reasons have a look at the link below, "205 Arguments and Observations in Support of Naturism". And finally, I'd say don't knock it until you've tried it. You can very easily try the nudist experience by first going nude around your home for your everyday routine, and then expanding that outwards to nude beaches, naturist resorts, or simply finding a secluded place out in nature somewhere where you can enjoy nudity alone or with like-minded friends. If you decide it's not for you it's entirely easy to go back to a clothes-compulsive life, but at least you'll gain some understanding about what it's like to be a naturist. 


Monday, December 1, 2014


Because this was the eve of our last day at Hidden Beach, we decided we’d take a trip into Playa Del Carmen to do a little shopping. I wanted to bring a few souvenirs back from Mexico for certain individuals (and a few items for ourselves as well) and heard this was the best spot to do so. My husband was hesitant to leave the compound, I thought his reasons were due to the news reports we’d heard of drug cartels, kidnappings and various other sordid news stories. Since I had been in Mexico many times before and had some knowledge of Spanish language, I truly felt no apprehension over venturing out for a little bit of shopping. I reassured him of all these things, when he responded with, “It’s not because of that, I just hate to have to put clothes on for the entire day”. I guess I should have known!

We were going to hire a taxi to take us into the city, but after conversing with some of the other guests, found we could get a free shuttle ride through Lomas Travel if we took a tour of the Lapis Jewelry Factory, then they would take us on to Playa Del Carmen, treat us to a free lunch and we would have a couple of hours to shop or sightsee.

Before we left the compound we told a few of our new found friends where we were going. Our friends Shirley & Jerry tried to dissuade us from going, Shirley said, “Don’t go darlin’, stay here and play with us”. She was so adorable with her Texas drawl, but we told her not to worry, we’d be back in a few hours. Well, let’s just say it all started out well. The driver was there on time at the front gate and the drive to the highly overpriced jewelry factory went smoothly and we were promptly picked up and taken into town as promised (after turning down their many attempts to tempt us into purchasing the pretty but expensive jewelry). 

We arrived at the restaurant where we were told to return to for shuttle pick up at 5:30 p.m. We walked around to various stores and shopped for pretty pareos, tequila, and a few other mementos. We returned to our designated pick up site and ate our free tacos accompanied with a $3.00 soda which was not included. It had begun to rain so we were glad we had returned before it hit hard and poured down upon us.

We waited a little nervously for our shuttle (or should I say I was nervously waiting, my husband kept saying it would be okay) because a good many of them were coming and going and I felt a little anxiety over catching the right one. We waited for quite a while and finally got onto our shuttle bus. Now this is where things got a little confused. There were a few other couples taking this shuttle along with us (where we had been the only passengers going on our way to the shops) and the driver stopped at various resorts to drop off passengers. The first stop on the resort trail was Hard Rock Hotel. After the driver dropped the first couple off, he asked us if we were going to Hidden Beach. We said yes, and the driver began to drive around, and around, and around the compound of Hard Rock Hotel. We weren’t sure what he was looking for, I thought possibly another passenger drop off, but when he began stopping and asking people, “Hidden Beach?” I understood he was lost! I tried to explain which direction he needed to take to get there, but he either didn’t understand me or wasn’t listening. At this point in our journey, when I’d become convinced that this had turned into Gilligan’s adventure (you know, “A three hour tour, three hour tour…”), our driver finally went back to the front gate of the resort and asked them for directions to Hidden Beach. Ah, the light came on, and off we went. It was around 7:30 when we finally got back to our resort and we hurried to dress for the final theme night party: Pirates matey!

We had great pirate costumes, and I felt these were the best costumes of all we’d purchased. Mark’s pirate was great with his beard and all his accessories. I saw many attractive costumes and I admired them very much, but I was very surprised by how well my costume was received. The night was great fun and I think we danced more on this night than we had on any of the other nights. Energy levels were high and the staff had decorated the banquet room beautifully. We had a marvelous band playing our dance music on this evening and it was just the best night. We were all well aware of the clock counting down, knowing soon the carriage would turn back into a pumpkin. Maybe this was part of the dynamics behind the energy present on this evening or maybe we’d become more comfortable and acquainted with each other by now, but I can’t think of a party I’ve enjoyed so much.


Oh, and the final night’s costume competition, they decided to run it a little differently this time. Previously the winner had been determined by the applause meter method. On this night they had a team of judges and each voted on their choice for best costume. Another difference, my husband ended up being the only man in the competition and each contestant was a single entry. I don’t know how it happened, but somehow I ended up the winner of the competition. I won a bottle of tequila as my prize and had the honor of knowing I was voted a winner by my friends. I’m hoping those friends will be returning next year when we have our trip booked.

With the dance winding down, we left and returned to our room to change out of our costumes. We went for our last evening swim and walked down to the beach to enjoy viewing the glow of the moon over the ocean. We returned to the palapa beds and cuddled together listening to the waves lapping in against the shoreline. The relaxing sounds, warm tickling breeze and beautiful memories lulled us into a sweet sleep. We weren’t sure how long we slept before being awoken by staff members moving furniture and cleaning up the resort grounds. We returned to our room, having had full intentions of packing up our suitcases so we would be able to relax the next morning before leaving the resort. We did not do that however, we snuggled in under the blankets and slipped into our final night of sleep at Hidden Beach.

We arose early the next morning and went to breakfast. We decided we would take one last swim before leaving our tropical paradise. After our swim we walked down to the beach and stood looking out over the beautiful ocean view bemoaning having to leave it. We returned to our room, packed our bags and did a once over to make sure we had gathered all our belongings. We returned to the dining area for most of the guests were now there as we wanted to say our last goodbyes to all. We exchanged addresses, hugs and kisses, and promised to keep in touch. With that we called the front desk and told them our luggage was ready to be picked up. As we walked toward the gate we turned around for one last look. We said goodbye to Hidden Beach, but promised we’d return. It was definitely a trip we’ll never forget.


At the Houston Airport on our flight home waiting for our connecting flight to Phoenix.

Friday, November 28, 2014


We are now on our fifth day and I know it probably sounds as though our days were becoming monotonous, because it was now Thursday and we had been doing pretty much the same thing day after day. Don’t get me wrong, there were plenty of things to do, but my husband and I were having the best time just hanging out in the pool and chatting with our new nude buddies. The stress from our jobs had been taking its toll on us over the past several months and we needed some lay it down and unwind time. This vacation had been exactly what we needed. We weren’t tired of repeatedly doing the same thing each day, in fact, it never seemed repetitious because there were so many new people to meet and socialize with each day. My husband and I have not only enjoyed the freedom of being without clothing tremendously, but the social aspect has been more than we ever considered. We have met people we consider friends now, friends who enjoy life and show that enjoyment in their attitude, zest and enthusiasm in everything they do. It makes us feel so alive and how can one become bored with that?

On this day in particular, we had the opportunity to go with the group into Tulum. Probably half of the resort had taken a day trip there to see the Mayan ruins, do some shopping, go to a nature preserve and do some snorkeling as well. I wondered if we should have gone with them, would we be missing out because we didn’t go, but as the day progressed it was just wonderful to eat, drink and relax. We walked along the beach again, went to the palapa beds along the beach and lay there watching the ocean waves crashing along the water’s edge. It was hypnotic watching as they rolled in, breaking as they came closer to shore and then washing back out again. The ocean breeze felt amazing on us, it was wonderful feeling how sensitive our flesh was to the breeze blowing in, raising goose bumps as it brushed over us, almost as though there were hundreds of feathers dancing across our bodies. It wasn’t long before we drifted off to sleep and it was one of the most peaceful naps I’d taken in a long time.

 As the beginning of this blog states, the theme of this night was western night. I have always loved the cowboy/cowgirl fashion wear however never have embraced it, so it was fun to dress up in our naked versions of western apparel. For my husband we chose a leather vest and chaps, which I loved because his chaps were open in the back and crotch exposing all, especially his butt cheeks. I’ve got to say he looked mighty cute! He was adorned all in black, and wore a long bandito style moustache and finished his look with a black cowboy hat. I was in love with his costume. Where my husband was dressed from head to toe, I was rather scantily clad. I found a brown suede type bikini made of fringe which only outlined my breasts on top, and covering the front of my genital area below. It was a type of revelation to me how truly peculiar I felt being so scantily clad (It genuinely made me feel somewhat modest). It is so bizarre, completely naked I feel no shame or immodesty, but putting on a couple threads of clothing that left me barely covered, I felt strangely embarrassed to have people look at me. It was so crazy! I finished off my costume with fringed leggings and a brown suede cowgirl hat. We didn’t get pics of most of our costumes (which I rather regret), but then again, wasn’t feeling like I would want to broadcast them over the internet anyway, but they were fun costumes though we have no photos to prove it.

The night was full of dancing and fun as were all the nights previously. One difference on this night is the presence of a live mariachi band. They were quite talented and their voices were beautifully strong and clear as they serenaded us all evening. There was the recurrent costume competition, we strut our stuff in front of everyone again (which is difficult for me, I’m not comfortable with being the center of attention), and we came in as finalists. I believe we owe this placement to my husband’s fantastic costume and appearance. He looked maaaaaaarvelous! 


Tuesday, November 18, 2014


On our fourth day at Hidden Beach a tropical depression moved through Cancun. Even though we didn’t mind being out in the rain, we felt like we wanted to do something a little different. So after having three days filled with eating, drinking and activities on the Hidden Beach side of the wall, we decided to don our clothes, grab our umbrellas and take a stroll around El Dorado Seaside Suites (the sister resort next door which shared privileges with HB guests). El Dorado is much larger than the 42 room Hidden Beach (not sure exactly how many rooms they possess, 300-400, somewhere in that ballpark). It was lovely, very much like our HB with its buildings and landscape, but definitely lacking in other ways.

We found we missed the intimacy we experienced on our side of the wall. The staff smiled nicely, other guests nodded their heads or gave a tight lipped smile in response to our hellos, but it just didn’t give me the warm and fuzzy feeling we enjoyed at HB. I wasn’t imagining it either, for my husband said he felt it too. One exception however, as we were walking hand in hand snuggled beneath our umbrella, we met up with a very personable young man. He said, “Oh, how lovely, muy romantico”. We said thank you, and chatted briefly with him. He was the friendliest of all we had met on EDS side of the wall. We introduced ourselves and he then told us his name, Rodrigo, but said we could call him “RoRo”. He jokingly told us we could remember his name by saying “RoRo is sexy”, he laughed and strutted away.

Once back at Hidden Beach, we received a brief interval from the rain and decided to check out the pool crew at the swim up bar. As we returned to our rooms to resume our au natural state, we entered the pool and swam up to the bar again. We joined in on the conversation which was going on around the bar when an announcement came over the loud-speaker, they were about to begin their staff versus guest volley ball game. We sat back and watched as the players gathered, and who should we see… RoRo! He had come to our side to play volleyball with us. In the days to come, we got to know this wonderful young man as he interacted with us as entertainment director, along with our little Ingrid.
When he saw us after the game he pointed his finger at us and gave us a great smile. He said, “Aaahh, I should have known you were over here”. He later told us that he much preferred to be on our side of the resort because the guests were much warmer and fun. I guess when we were so friendly and engaging while we chatted, that was the notable difference.

We had experienced another wonderful day, and we’d made so many new friends now, it was a challenge to remember the names of everyone we were becoming acquainted with. Learning about their lives, sharing laughs and special moments, it was the best time getting to know all of these wonderful people, so much so, we find ourselves laughing and cherishing moments as we reminisce over our time with them.

As I stated when I began with this page, we had shared three wonderful days of eating, drinking and activities. Our energy was beginning to wane a bit and we feared we were beginning to feel, dare I say…our age? My husband actually began to feel a little under the weather and the outdoor weather was becoming intense with thunder and lightning looming about. So we ate our meal, returned to our room for a shower, and then with the comfort of that king size bed beneath our tired bodies, we made the decision to stay in and skip karaoke. We cuddled and drifted off to sleep, gaining strength to party yet another day.
