Because this was the eve of our last day at Hidden Beach, we decided we’d take a trip into Playa Del Carmen to do a little shopping. I wanted to bring a few souvenirs back from Mexico for certain individuals (and a few items for ourselves as well) and heard this was the best spot to do so. My husband was hesitant to leave the compound, I thought his reasons were due to the news reports we’d heard of drug cartels, kidnappings and various other sordid news stories. Since I had been in Mexico many times before and had some knowledge of Spanish language, I truly felt no apprehension over venturing out for a little bit of shopping. I reassured him of all these things, when he responded with, “It’s not because of that, I just hate to have to put clothes on for the entire day”. I guess I should have known!
We were
going to hire a taxi to take us into the city, but after conversing with some
of the other guests, found we could get a free shuttle ride through Lomas
Travel if we took a tour of the Lapis Jewelry Factory, then they would take us
on to Playa Del Carmen, treat us to a free lunch and we would have a couple of
hours to shop or sightsee.
Before we
left the compound we told a few of our new found friends where we were going.
Our friends Shirley & Jerry tried to dissuade us from going, Shirley said,
“Don’t go darlin’, stay here and play with us”. She was so adorable with her
Texas drawl, but we told her not to worry, we’d be back in a few hours. Well, let’s
just say it all started out well. The driver was there on time at the front
gate and the drive to the highly overpriced jewelry factory went smoothly and
we were promptly picked up and taken into town as promised (after turning down
their many attempts to tempt us into purchasing the pretty but expensive
We arrived at the restaurant where we were told to return to for
shuttle pick up at 5:30 p.m. We walked around to various stores and shopped for
pretty pareos, tequila, and a few other mementos. We returned to our designated
pick up site and ate our free tacos accompanied with a $3.00 soda which was not
included. It had begun to rain so we were glad we had returned before it hit
hard and poured down upon us.

We waited a
little nervously for our shuttle (or should I say I was nervously waiting, my
husband kept saying it would be okay) because a good many of them were coming
and going and I felt a little anxiety over catching the right one. We waited
for quite a while and finally got onto our shuttle bus. Now this is where things
got a little confused. There were a few other couples taking this shuttle along
with us (where we had been the only passengers going on our way to the shops) and
the driver stopped at various resorts to drop off passengers. The first stop on
the resort trail was Hard Rock Hotel. After the driver dropped the first couple
off, he asked us if we were going to Hidden Beach. We said yes, and the driver
began to drive around, and around, and around the compound of Hard Rock Hotel.
We weren’t sure what he was looking for, I thought possibly another passenger
drop off, but when he began stopping and asking people, “Hidden Beach?” I
understood he was lost! I tried to explain which direction he needed to take to
get there, but he either didn’t understand me or wasn’t listening. At this
point in our journey, when I’d become convinced that this had turned into
Gilligan’s adventure (you know, “A three hour tour, three hour tour…”), our
driver finally went back to the front gate of the resort and asked them for
directions to Hidden Beach. Ah, the light came on, and off we went. It was
around 7:30 when we finally got back to our resort and we hurried to dress for
the final theme night party: Pirates matey!
We had great
pirate costumes, and I felt these were the best costumes of all we’d purchased.
Mark’s pirate was great with his beard and all his accessories. I saw many
attractive costumes and I admired them very much, but I was very surprised by
how well my costume was received. The night was great fun and I think we danced
more on this night than we had on any of the other nights. Energy levels were
high and the staff had decorated the banquet room beautifully. We had a
marvelous band playing our dance music on this evening and it was just the best
night. We were all well aware of the clock counting down, knowing soon the
carriage would turn back into a pumpkin. Maybe this was part of the dynamics
behind the energy present on this evening or maybe we’d become more comfortable
and acquainted with each other by now, but I can’t think of a party I’ve
enjoyed so much.
Oh, and the
final night’s costume competition, they decided to run it a little differently
this time. Previously the winner had been determined by the applause meter
method. On this night they had a team of judges and each voted on their choice
for best costume. Another difference, my husband ended up being the only man in
the competition and each contestant was a single entry. I don’t know how it
happened, but somehow I ended up the winner of the competition. I won a bottle
of tequila as my prize and had the honor of knowing I was voted a winner by my
friends. I’m hoping those friends will be returning next year when we have our
trip booked.
With the
dance winding down, we left and returned to our room to change out of our
costumes. We went for our last evening swim and walked down to the beach to
enjoy viewing the glow of the moon over the ocean. We returned to the palapa
beds and cuddled together listening to the waves lapping in against the
shoreline. The relaxing sounds, warm tickling breeze and beautiful memories
lulled us into a sweet sleep. We weren’t sure how long we slept before being
awoken by staff members moving furniture and cleaning up the resort grounds. We
returned to our room, having had full intentions of packing up our suitcases so
we would be able to relax the next morning before leaving the resort. We did
not do that however, we snuggled in under the blankets and slipped into our
final night of sleep at Hidden Beach.
We arose
early the next morning and went to breakfast. We decided we would take one last
swim before leaving our tropical paradise. After our swim we walked down to the
beach and stood looking out over the beautiful ocean view bemoaning having to
leave it. We returned to our room, packed our bags and did a once over to make
sure we had gathered all our belongings. We returned to the dining area for
most of the guests were now there as we wanted to say our last goodbyes to all.
We exchanged addresses, hugs and kisses, and promised to keep in touch. With
that we called the front desk and told them our luggage was ready to be picked
up. As we walked toward the gate we turned around for one last look. We said
goodbye to Hidden Beach, but promised we’d return. It was definitely a trip
we’ll never forget.
At the Houston Airport on our flight home waiting for our connecting flight to Phoenix.
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