Sunday, November 9, 2014


As I mentioned in a previous blog, we did a great deal of packing for theme nights. Castaways Travel had sent the itinerary of activities and themes for each day/night to each guest who booked with them. It was great fun shopping for each night’s costumes, trying to visualize in our minds what costume we might like to present for each nights theme. So we’ll be posting a little run down of each night’s theme and events.

The first night’s theme was Brazilian-Latin Night. We thought we could get away with taking some of the pieces from other costumes we were bringing and mix and matching them together to pull off a costume with the Latin flair. We had bright colored beads, scarves, and glow sticks and necklaces which we thought would suffice. The funny thing about this, it’s almost as though we sensed something about this night for we really didn't put much thought or effort into planning this themes’ costume.

After traveling all day and having been up for 36 hours straight, we finally arrived at Hidden Beach Resort. We were completely worn out. We got settled into our rooms, ate a delicious meal, swam up to the bar and had a few drinks with the other guests who were hanging out there, and suddenly we began to feel quite tired. We decided we would take a little siesta to rev up for the evenings’ festivities. As we lay down in what felt like the most comfortable bed in the world, we suddenly heard the loud rhythmic cadence from conga drums. I went to our patio door and saw there was a conga band beginning to play in the dining area. I began to tell my husband of the lively activities which were already beginning and realized he was fast asleep. I watched as a conga line formed and the guests danced around under the palapa (the name for the palm-branch thatched roof that covered the dining area). It looked like they were having a great time, I felt like I was missing out on the festivities but the bed looked more inviting as it beckoned me to descend into its sweet comfort. I snuggled up to my husband and within a few minutes I heard nothing of the drums, music, laughter or shouting coming from just outside. Now mind you, our room was right next to the dining area. When the drums began to beat, it sounded as though it were in the same room with us. Needless to say, no costumes were needed that night, as we slept through the activities… and the night.


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