Saturday, November 1, 2014

We Are Off To Hidden Beach Resort

We finally have begun our first of what we hope to be many, exotic trips to nude/clothing optional resorts across the world. My husband had spoken of Hidden Beach Resort ( on a few occasions. When he approached me about taking a get-away vacation for a week in October with a group called Castaway Travels, it didn’t take me long to say yes. At this point, our careers had been demanding many hours of each of us, we truly welcomed the idea of a week away from all the stress. When Mark first asked, mind you, it was March. Weather in Arizona was cool, bordering cold, so it didn’t allow us the freedom we usually enjoyed of being naked in our back yard. We hadn’t been down to visit our nude resort (which we frequent in Tucson when we feel the need for a nude get-away) since Halloween and we were missing the joyful encounters we shared in social nudism with our friends at the resort. It sounded great to think of being naked in the tropical warm weather, since we had been starved of our naked liberty outdoors for a while….But October was a long ways away at the time.

As the weeks went by, my husband was found in his office every evening investigating every bit of information he could find on HBR. My husband is nothing if not thorough, so I think there has been no stone left unturned when it comes to our trip here. His exuberance over our trip was charming, he was like a little boy on Christmas Eve as he would come to me, bringing some new tidbit of information he’d just found about HBR. I must admit, I was pleased and welcoming the trip, but I’m afraid I didn’t meet his enthusiasm with the same liveliness, (as I said, October was a long way off it seemed and I was usually exhausted when I got home from work). As the days, weeks and months passed, we received more information from Castaway Travels regarding our trip, seemed fun, I thought. Mark was so excited, calling me into his office to show me the pictures of the resort, telling of the theme nights, of the activities they had available. To my darling’s credit, he’d always check with me each time to make sure it was something I’d like to participate in before he would sign us up, he never just assumed or chose activities unless I approved. Just to give you an example of some to choose from, the catamaran cruise, visiting Mayan ruins, couples massage, various classes (like, learning Spanish, Latin dancing, cooking classes, massage lessons), too many to mention all. As the trip drew nearer, we received an itinerary of the theme nights. Before I knew, it was time to start shopping for our costumes for theme nights. Now this was beginning to feel more real… ah yes, shopping! At first it was scanning the internet for ideas. It then became going to shops and stores throughout the area to bring our costumes together. Luckily it was nearing Halloween, so many of the costume stores and online sites had great selections (honorable mention, surprisingly, goes to Goodwill). Before I knew it, it was time to start putting our things into the suitcases to be ready to leave at the end of the week. The cutest thing ever though, was as my husband sat on the sofa the night before we were to leave, he seemed preoccupied. I asked him what was wrong, and he said, “I’m just worried we haven’t brought enough clothing”. I tried my hardest not to laugh (for I could see he was truly serious about this, I guess packing clothing for all his vacations over the years had conditioned him), and I said, “Not to worry sweetheart, we’re going to a nude resort!” I just love this man of mine. My darling’s hard work and efforts probably seemed as though they weren’t appreciated at the time, (I include this part of my blog to let him know, I noticed). I’m sorry I didn’t help sweetheart, not even one little bit, with any of the planning or investigation of our trip. I appreciate you and all you have done to make this trip wonderful. 

I must also say, when we arrived at HBR, all expectations were surpassed when we walked through the front gates. As we met each member of the staff, (opening doors, carrying every belonging we had, not letting us lift a finger or carry a thing) being greeted with the most lovely and genuine of smiles as they said, “Welcome Home.” I believe my only suggestion for Hidden Beach management …change their greeting of, “Welcome Home”, to “Welcome to Paradise!”


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